OTT Service for MVNEs and MVNOs

The Mobile Operators experience an increase of video usage by their subscribers. This is also driven by higher data bundles that are offered. The Mobile Operators are searching for OTT based Value Added Services, which they can offer to their existing customer base or to attract new customers with an extended package of services.
4G/LTE networks and the available bandwidth allow the Operators to offer content rich services like Video On Demand (VoD), Series, Music and of course LiveTV as an OTT service. An OTT service is basically the next OSS and should integrate with the BSS of the MNVO/E to utilize the existing used systems.
A MVNO has its own Operation Support Systems (OSS) and Business Support Systems (BSS) to manage their complete business and the next OSS should integrate with the used BSS systems. In addition, operators are used to cloud based solution and a next service should be based on similar principles.
Also for the MNVE’s this service offers additional business opportunities, as the platform is designed as a multi-tenant solution. This allows the MNVE to offer a complete service as a SaaS Solution to the MVNO’s they facilitate.
Mware Solutions offers and end to end solution to facilitate the MVNO’s and MVNE’s own OTT IPTV service:
• It is running on Mware CloudTV platform
• It includes all functionalities to offer the OTT Service, like Content Management, Product Management, Subscriber Management
• Integrated Cloud based streaming services based on Content Distribution Networks
• Support of several GUI templates (App designs) to differentiate for different target groups
• Multi device service and support Android and iOS mobile devices, PC’s and Macintosh, Set-top box es and SmartTV’s, all managed by Mware CloudTV Middleware platform
• It can be integrated with the Operators’ existing billing systems by API’s
• The platform scales seamless with the growth of the user base
• 100% uptime is guaranteed
We started in 2006 and we support Operators word-wide with their OTT Service.
Are you interested to brainstorm what an OTT service can mean for your subscribers and your company, feel free to contact us.