MwareTV offers 3 different CDN solutions:

  1. A private CDN is a content delivery network that is exclusively owned and operated by a single organization. It is used to deliver high-quality and secure content to the organization’s audience. Private CDNs are often used inside the networks of the telecommunication company, but they require a larger investment in infrastructure and maintenance.
  2. A public CDN is a content delivery network that is available to anyone for use. It is used to deliver high-quality and scalable content to a broad audience. Public CDNs offer cost-effective and easy-to-use solutions for content delivery. MwareTV offers the publix CDN at attractive rates and conditions.
  3. A hybrid CDN combines the benefits of both private and public CDNs to deliver content. It utilizes a combination of private and public CDN services to provide greater flexibility and scalability. Hybrid CDNs offer a customizable and cost-effective solution for organizations to meet their content delivery needs.